+90 (216) 467 42 26 info@ersinulkur.com


Arin stretching is an operation performed to eliminate deformities caused by pregnancy and excessive weight loss in the abdominal area. Especially during pregnancy, because the abdominal wall is overstretched, relaxation occurs in the anterior abdominal wall muscles. You can feel it in the middle area of the abdomen when you do a light shuttle movement yourself. Loosening and cracks in the skin of the abdomen are also important problems. A tummy tuck removes this loosened skin and makes the front wall of the abdomen more tense. During a tummy tuck, the cracks remaining in the skin that are cut and discarded disappear, but since the cracks in other areas stretch downwards, they slide down to the lower part, that is, to the parts that can be hidden more comfortably. This, in turn, provides comfort to the patient in terms of use.

Tummy tuck operations are divided into a full tummy tuck and a mini tummy tuck. In Mini abdominal stretching, stretching the front wall of the abdomen is removed only from the relaxation and sagging that occurs under the belly. A new belly button is not created. In full abdominal stretching, the front wall of the abdomen opens up to the bottom of the breast, and the muscles in the front wall of the abdomen are plike and guerrilla. A new belly button is created, and the excess skin is cut in the lower part, making the incision line stay under the panties.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I conceive after a tummy tuck?
Is there a scar in a tummy tuck?
Can liposuction be applied to the abdominal area along with a tummy tuck?
Are the scars completely lost? Can the scar be a tummy tuck?
Should I lose all my weight before a tummy tuck?
Can we shape my stomach by applying liposuction only if I don't have a tummy tuck?
Is there any pain after tummy tuck surgery?
How is it after tummy tuck surgery?